The Phonetic Alphabet

The Phonetic Alphabet

Knowledge is Power

The police service is a user of the phonetic alphabet on a daily basis. It is used routinely on the radio, computer and in personal conversation. To assist the writer the full alphabet is detailed below. 
Know Your A-Z
A - Alpha G - Golf M - Mike S - Sierra Y - Yankee
B - Bravo H - Hotel N - November T - Tango Z - Zulu
C - Charlie I - India O - Oscar U - Uniform
D - Delta J - Juliet P - Papa V - Victor
E - Echo K - Kilo Q - Quebec W - Whiskey
F - Foxtrot L - Lima R - Romeo X - X-Ray

If you need further information about the Police Service then visit our "Writer's Aids" page and you may be pleasantly surprised at what you find.

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